Smoke Cleansing / Smudging / Sahumerios

How does smoke purify?

According to Amy Blackthorn, there are a few ways; 
β–·Physical purification. The heat from burning materials releases volatile oils depending on the plant's kind. 
β–·Energetically, Each plant material used in smoke cleansing will have a different energetic association. Some are associated with protection, prosperity and other healing properties.
β–·Emotionally purifying. Our sense of smell ties in directly to the limbic system (the emotional part of the brain). Our sense of smell is 90% emotion and 10% recall.

Smudge Stick is created by bundling together dried herbs with healing properties.

Smudge sticks, also known as floral wands or smoke cleansing bundles, have become increasingly popular since the New Age movement using the Native American traditional rituals of smudging with white sacred sage (salvia apiana).

β€œI release any negativity, density, or attachments into the smoke from these sacred herbs of lavender and roses (name your herb) to help me shine with the highest vibration and embrace the highest sense of my soul.”
— Amen
smoke cleansing in a church

The smoke cleansing ritual refers to emitting perfumed smoke produced by herbs, resins, barks, leaves, and flowers that are burned and used to uplift the mood. 

Many cultures and religions use smoke cleansing in temples, churches, ceremonies, and holistic health as a cleansing tool in religions and pagan.

smoke cleanisng in a church

The Rite of Burning Botanicals dates back to ancient Greece, the Mapuches tribes in Chile, the Virgins of the Sun of Peru, the priestesses of the Mexicas temples and so on. Shamans, Native Americans, and Australian Aborigines burned different plants to cleanse themselves, honour and connect with Pachamama, Gaia, and the Great Spirit of Creation. 

ceremonia mapuche de sahumerio

Energy Cleansing Guide

How to use your sacred herbs bundle

Smoke cleansing is a profoundly beautiful and empowering practice. Whether you approach it as an aromatic experience or a smudging ritual, it's a powerful way to uplift positive energy around you. Let's embark on this journey with care and respect.

Get ready; Read the safety disclaimed flipping this page. Get a candle, matches, and a fireproof bowl with a bit of sand or salt. Wash your hands. Turn off your electronic devices. Practice grounding.

Step 1: Set positive intentions or pray according to your beliefs. For example, "I release all negativity. I am blessed with the abundance of pure love and light from these plants' healing powers."

Step 2: Light the candle with matches, preferably. Use the candle flame to light the top of the smudge sticks smoothly. Blow out the flame and lightly wave the tip of the stick in the air until it begins to smoulder.

Step 3: Hold the stick over a fireproof bowl to avoid ashes on the floor, and use your hands to gently move the smoke around whatever you choose to cleanse. To cleanse a human, allow the smoke to billow around the entire body and work your way down from the top of your head to your toes and back, keeping a distance away from the body and hair.

Step 4: Finish the ritual by giving thanks and moving the smudge stick clockwise to seal the practice. Take a deep breath in and enjoy the magic.

Step 5: Leave it in the fireproof bowl until it ceases to burn. Then, rake the ashes into your compost or garden. Magic needs to return to Mother Earth.

Safety Disclaimed Guide

We are not responsible or liable for any errors or omissions when using our products. Failure to follow instructions could result in a small fire hazard or skin burn.

Herb Bundle

Smudging is voluntary. People should never be forced or pressured to smudge. Do not smudge if you have respiratory issues. If someone is susceptible to smoking, DON'T SMUDGE AT ALL.

Do not smudge if you have respiratory allergies.

Always use a non-flammable bowl underneath to catch any embers & ash.

Open windows if you are indoors. Burning in a well-ventilated area is recommended. Do not get too close to smoke alarms.

Do not leave the smudge burning unattended.

Do not burn near children, flammable objects & materials, inquisitive pets, etc., out of fear of causing a fire or burning.

Candle Warning

Never move a lit candle. Keep it out of the reach of children, pets, and flammable objects. You can always place it on a fireproof recipient to catch the melted wax. Choose a stable and flat surface. Caution: Keep the wick length 5mm or shorter.

Environmentally Friendly Safety Matches

Luna Earth Magic provides matches that comply with the EU safety requirements. They do not contain any substance harmful to health, are manufactured from renewable forest resources, and do not affect the natural environment.


Plant Spirit